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Welcome to

Battle Ground Community 
United Methodist Church

We are a people of faith who gather to worship and love God, care for one another, and share the Creator's justice with the world.

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You are not only welcome here, you are celebrated here!

If you are black, brown, white or anything in between,


You are not only welcome here, you are celebrated here!

If you are gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian, transgender, or non-gender binary,


You are not only welcome here, you are celebrated here!

If you are an immigrant, whether or not you have documents,


You are not only welcome here, you are celebrated here!

If you are male or female, young or old, abled or alter-abled,

rich or poor, short or tall, wide or deep,


You are not only welcome here, you are celebrated here! 

No matter what you believe or what you doubt . . .

No matter what you count on, or what you question . . 


You are not only welcome here, you are celebrated here! 

At Battle Ground United Methodist Church,

we celebrate you as a gift of the Creator, and an individual wonder of God’s creation.

A Reconciling Congregation:  

When we say "all" are beloved children of God, 

ALL means ALL!


Worship With Us

Sunday Worship Service

Every Sunday at 10:00 am

Join us in person or live on

our YouTube channel

Worship times

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“Earn all you can. Save all you can.  Share all you can."

John Wesley

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10300 NE 199th Street  * Battle Ground, WA 98604       (360) 687-2542    

©2020 by Battle Ground Community United Methodist Church

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