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Dear Fellow Seekers:

Welcome to Battle Ground Community United Methodist Church, a community that grows in faith, serves from Divine Love and works toward social justice for all.


We welcome all who may be seeking a faith community that challenges our assumptions and questions everything.  Here you will find people who are sincerely seeking God and looking for ways to usher in God’s Kingdom of love, hope, and peace into our community of Battle Ground and beyond.  We invite you to explore our ministries, participate in our worship and study with us as we act as Christ’s hands and feet inside these church walls and beyond.

Our prayer is that if you are seeking the experience of God in your life and want to focus on your spirituality, you will find an open, affirming, questioning, doubting, intelligent, spirit-filled congregation.  I describe our congregation as good people striving to live lives as disciples centered around the teachings of Jesus the Christ:  to love God, ourselves and ALL our neighbors, no exceptions.  Come join us, and together let us continue to grow in our faith, serve from a place of Divine Love, and participate in bringing about God’s Kin-dom here on earth.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Peace to you all                                                                                                                                                                 

Meet The Team


Nancy Volgamore

Nancy is our wonderful Administrative Assistant who is always willing to offer a hand to help make our church operate smoothly and efficiently.


Laura Perkins

Laura leads the choir to support congregational singing as well as leading seasonal anthems.

Music includes traditional and contemporary hymns and praise songs.


Janet Schoessler

Janet has been our dedicated pianist and organist for many years.  Her talent and commitment is greatly appreciated.

Meet The Team


Michael Dzwonkowski

Michael is our A/V booth Tech operator extraordinaire.  He brings a wealth of experience and education as well as creativity and artistry to our worship service and videos


Darryl Mar

Darryl was the church pianist for over 10 years at MUMC in Marina , Ca. His attitude to enhancing worship is "In with the grace.  Out with the praise!" 

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10300 NE 199th Street  * Battle Ground, WA 98604       (360) 687-2542    

©2020 by Battle Ground Community United Methodist Church

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