ministries we support
The members of the Battle Ground Community United Methodist Church have pledged to support the hungry and the homeless in our community. The majority of our outreach is focused on supporting groups that provide services to individuals and families in need. Whether we're collecting donations for homeless bags, food and financial resources for the food bank, hosting a family under our roof, or supporting our homeless youth in our community, our congregation is committed to serving those who need us most.
Your support, time, effort and donations are greatly appreciated.
North County Food Bank
The North County Community Food Bank serves over 650 families each month in the Battle Ground, Washington and surrounding areas.
BGCUMC helps to support the Food Bank with financial help and food, Christmas family baskets and monies raised from our Outreach fundraiser and other donations.
Family Promise serves to help homeless families in our area. Through this program, families are housed for a week on a quarterly basis in local churches like BGCUMC. Twelve faith communities are involved in helping get families on their feet with employment and housing of their own.
Next week of service: June 13 - June 20, 2021
Sign up to volunteer at:
Helping Homeless Teens
There is a great need here in the Battle Ground community to help homeless students. Currently there are 261 children in the school system who are considered homeless. These children are in need of items such as personal products, school supplies and clothing (in new or good condition). These items are kept at the resource center, which is housed in the District building, and are available to these students whenever they need them. We have a donation box in the Narthex in our church.
Gee Creek Coffee Outreach
Our church hosts Coffee at the Gee Creek Rest Area (Southbound) on Interstate 5 several times per year. We provide this coffee service from 7 AM to 9 PM each day. We break this up into 3 to 4-hour shifts and it takes a lot of volunteers and cookies to make it a success. Contact the church office for service times.
Helping The Homeless
Donations are collected for hand out bags for the homeless. Items include water, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, shelf stable snacks (protein bars, etc.), feminine products, wet wipes, and dry dog food for the bags that are made up at the church to hand out.
Take 2 or 3 bags for your car to hand out when you see someone in need.
Sierra Service Project
Sierra Service Project (SSP) is an ecumenical Christian nonprofit organization, providing life-changing service projects in low-income communities. Geared toward youth, Sierra Service Project offers youth mission trips where we put our faith into action.
Quilts for Legacy Health Hospital
BGCUMC is responsible for a five mile stretch of Hwy 503. Several times a year we go out and collect from 50-100 pounds of trash.
A group of many talented quilters create quilts for those who are in their last stage of life. Three times a year, we bless the quilts, then make the donation to our local hospital.
Pastor's Discretionary Fund
The congregation of BGCUMC donates regularly to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. Our Pastor shares these funds with people and organizations that are in need of immediate help. We have supported women who are running from domestic abuse relationships, a utility bill, gas money, and more. Many people with different needs reach out to our church and this fund allows her to respond with compassion and generosity.