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We are a theologically progressive congregation that emphasizes the love of God and the sacred worth of all humans and living things. We blend traditional United Methodist practices and liturgy with contemporary language and music. We strive to bridge the gap between those who are not familiar with church culture and traditional church culture passed on for generations.
Music program
BGUMC’s music program is overseen by Patrick Brown. Along with Pastor Susan, Patrick and the worship committee come together to share ideas that can enhance the worship experience through a variety of music. We use the organ and piano like many churches, and our choir supports the congregation’s musical singing as well as providing anthems and other service music.
We incorporate all styles of music in our services. The United Methodist Church has a wealth of musical resources as diverse as its membership, and every effort is made to select music that speaks to the people and illuminates the scriptures. We find that instrumental music expression also enhances worship, and we value the efforts of vocal soloists, duets, and small groups.
Our time of worship includes a children's time followed by an opportunity to participate in Children's Sunday school. Children may choose to stay with their parents or join the other children in storytelling and crafts.
A nursery is available for parents who wish to give their full attention to the service. However, we are more than happy to have the youngest join worship, even if they make lots of joyful noises. All children, whatever age, and however squirmy they may be, are always welcomed and loved.
*The nursery and Sunday School will not be available until the Bishop permits us to move "beyond phase 4" due to the Corona virus. Accommodations are available once we move beyond Phase 4 of the Covid-19 crises.
Get Involved
We believe that worship is not about passively listening to a service,
but participation by laity is welcome and encouraged.
Music Team
All instruments and voices are welcome for choir and special music.
Worship Curators
Creative hearts and minds arrange visual elements in the sanctuary to enhance worship.
People contribute flower arrangements, design and create new banners,
and dress the altar in keeping with the Christian season or theme.
We are on a rotation basis for those who love to assist in leading worship
and have a talent for speaking publicly.
All are welcome to sign up for this special role.
Occasional Drama
There are times when we use drama to reveal scripture so that
Biblical stories may be received by the congregation in a
different and creative way.
Those who love to be involved in skits are invited to participate.
As we gradually re-open during the current stage of the pandemic, we’re not allowed to sing in the sanctuary on Sundays as a congregation, but anyone who would like to sing is more than welcome to meet at 6:00 on Thursday evenings to rehearse and sing outdoors as we prepare the music videos that will be played back during the Sunday service.
We welcome socially distanced soloists, duets, trios and quartets in the service on Sunday morning, and instrumentalists are more than welcome for special music segments. If you’re interested in participating, please contact the church office.